Saturday, August 12, 2006

Clariomimus longimanus

Another creature... I don't know what's goin on, but I kept coming up with these recently. This one may be familiar, and some may say that I've been looking at dinosaurs and stuff, but actually, I used my imagination and biological knowledge to create this creature (with some reference from a drawing of a plesiosaur skeleton)


The first (or is it second?) creature that I've come up with. Essentially a serpentine dragon, it became this 'thing'. Supposed to be a huge aquatic creature, the cephalodactylus ('head with fingers') was inspired by Troy Megli's 'Vermitherax II'.

Heavy Cavalry of the Abode

This is a Carnotaur, the elite of High Lord Xefaer's cavalry force. These guys were not deployed during the invasion of the Sanctuary, however. Anyhow, they will appear in the Chronicles soon!

Devourer of the Dead

I had this old line drawing of what I imagined Amemit, the Devourer of the Dead would look like. Then I was inspired to colour the drawing when I went through the Galleries last night. I did it with Photoshop. Well, this is what I came up with. A tribute to all those in the Field of Reeds! (Don't ask me what the glyhs mean, I didn't have time to write a proper one - sorry!)


Suzeraine's one of the new characters for the Chronicles. She is the commander of the Light Infantry, framed by Katrin and nearly executed by Sor-Hahn himself! Quite tough times for a rooky, eh? Anyway, she will soon get her Shield of the Saint, the Inderasakti. The shield was supposed to be passed on to her, but Xefaer took possession of it.

©H.M. 'Alang' Muhammad Hanif. All rights reserved!

Comments for this picture:

Nov 2 2000 Elfwood artist: Christiaan, A.Iken, (Click here to visit!)this is a awesome pose, im really interested in warrior woman cause i want to just explore that live ive not done before. the armour is superb and the foreshorteing of her hand is well done. i love the pose. the only thing thats kin dof wrong apart from u cutting of her feet. is her left leg, its a bit too thin near the ankle. ifu fixed that it would be perfect. i really like this one.hope yo dont mine me criticising, i hardly ever do but i do when i like someones art.

Don't worry! I can take criticism, as long as they point out my mistakes and weaknesses. As for the feet, well, since that's the main commet on this one, maybe I'll fix it!
Nov 8 2000 AuroraFirst of all, her face is simply gorgeous. I love it. It was the first thing I noticed upon seeing the picture. Upon closer inspection, my only complaint is her left wrist, in the shield straps, and as you said, the posture is a bit off. But wow, the face. Wow. :P Need I say more? :)
Dec 17 2000 Elfwood artist: William Li, (Click here to visit!)yes, this is really a striking pose. the armour fits her light infantry status quite well too. those thorns on the side of her boots are a great touch. would you consider a round shield? ;)
Jan 2 2001 Elfwood artist: Adrian Jain, (Click here to visit!)Her armor and shield reminds me strongly of that of the Roman legionaires. I really like the way you do the outfits on your characters, because you show a wide variety, from western to eastern style. The only thing I would critisize on this picture is the shading of her shield, it looks like it should be turned around the z-axis by 180 degrees. Shadows and highlighted areas should just be the opposite. Nevertheless a very cool character sketch!
Mar 2 2001 Elfwood artist: Daniel N. Brewer, (Click here to visit!)I like the fact that she seems to actually be paying attention to something. So many warrior's stare blankly. And you gave her such nice armor! The shield seems to curve backwards from the way I'd expect (it appears convex instead of concave). And she actually looks like she could WIELD that sword without dropping it! Coolness.
Apr 10 2001 Tyson HoffmanSweet, *very* cool picture. Its a great picture, I especially like how you're realistic about it, I mean shes wearing real armor. Not some skimpy outfit whose only defense value is possiblly surprise. The pose suggests movement very well, her upper half looks like its reacting to something, the shield flung back due to a heavy blow, he she still stands firm and challenges any who would oppose her. Great job!
Nov 28 2001 Elfwood artist: Alexia Kilpatrickwoa. I like this one alot. Like the detail and shading. I cant draw ppl and *sniff* me jealous!
Mar 22 2002 Hettar7Nice sense of movement on this one especially on the hair and the skirt thing. (?) good anatomy, i like the positioning on her and how you she's holding the sword. One thing though. Her left hand is too small in comparison to the rest of her body. The shield is an interesting design, i've often wondered why no one made sheilds like that back when shields were used. Nice job.
Dec 31 2003 artemisU have awsome art ! Iam blown away ! And iam gonna keep coming back to look at this over and over agein! Talk to me will ya? Maby u can give me a pointer.

2 Well, Artemis, you could let me see some of your stuff... Perhaps then I could try to help you out.

May 23 2005 AlastairAs a reenactor and historian, I would make one observation for future reference - almost every shield you find will have its grips based in the center - this is both for balance on a practical side, and for aesthetics as your grip will have to be bolted through and will normally be incorporated into the surround for the boss - the round bit in the middle of the face of many shields. It is rare to find any grip like the one pictured, save on small wooden shields, and even then it would be centered for balance. Otherwise, a really nice picture. Hope that helps!

1 Comment From The Artist: Thanks for the detailed observation... I missed that myself! Have to be more careful next time...

Srikandi IV

This is a detail of yet another female warrior. She is holding a keris, a traditional Malay dagger (used to be a symbol of rank, and a deadly weapon!) She wears the usual tengkolok and sikap. And no, I'm not gonna risk colouring this one manually!

©H.M. 'Alang' Muhammad Hanif. All rights reserved!

Comments for this picture:

Apr 21 2000 Elfwood artist: Troy L. Megli, (Click here to visit!)I don't blame you one bit! she looks perfect as is! actually, this pic seems as though it should be b&w.
May 27 2000 Elfwood artist: Joellena S. 'azul' Asher, (Click here to visit!)A-MA-ZING!!! this is fabulous. i think it maybe one of the best faces displayed here!!!! this can stand alone as b&w i'd have to see the color b4 i pass judgement though.
May 25 2001 Garth I'm really impressed with the eyes they convey a sense of thought and nationality. I own a Kris dagger myself and I like the way that you got the curves in the blade, I've tried to draw my own dagger and it's NOT easy, well done. And, Oh, the face is beautifully captured!
May 15 2002 GJD She is very beautiful; her eyes seem to be offering a challenge or dare. I looks great in black and white. I hate coloring my pictures too! Nearly always messes them up.
Jan 9 2003 Tinker Fantastic picture. There is so much depth and personality in the face; with is something which I find lacking in so many character pictures drawn for fantasy and sci-fi. The always look so 2D and personalityless. Love your work sweetheart! keep it up!

Srikandi II

Hey, Troy! Here's one for ya! This is the coloured version of the original Srikandi.


A srikandi is a female Malay warrior. Here she is portrayed as wearing the traditional shirt and pants together with a 'sikap' or outer shirt, sampin (waistcloth) and tengkolok (headcloth), She is also holding a keris, a traditional Malay dagger.

Sibling Blades detail

Since there was a comment on the details, here they are! What do you think? Obviously, the big one's the sword (Nagasari) and the smaller one's the dagger (Ratnawati).

There will be an update of the designs soon. For now, feast your eyes on the smaller version of the weapons in 'Hereditary Weapons'.

Comments for this picture:
Apr 21 2000 Elfwood artist: Troy L. Megli, (Click here to visit!)WOW! Those are exquisite! Thanks for the close up!
Apr 21 2000 Elfwood artist: Maya Jean, (Click here to visit!)I want one like THESE! It is so beautiful, all those details and carving, you did a really nice job! The light reflecting on the metal makes them almost real.
Apr 24 2000 Elfwood artist: Martin Baldysz, (Click here to visit!)This, me friende... This is art.
May 27 2000 Elfwood artist: Joellena S. 'azul' Asher, (Click here to visit!)*swoons from the sheer beauty and deadly-ness of these blades* my friend i bow to your superior skill and patience with weapons!!
Sep 11 2000 Elfwood artist: Ayizi Sel, (Click here to visit!)fantastic, the contrast between the smooth- wavy background and the pieces makes the work more attractive.
Nov 11 2000 Elfwood artist: Christiaan, A.Iken, (Click here to visit!)hey awesome detaill, the handles really are three dimensional and not just flat ink drawings. this is great.

i'm glad you approved...
Jan 29 2001 ArchenAngelI must say you have great tast for fantisy swords. I am a blacksmith for fantisy swords, in fact I have built final fantasy 7's clouds sword and I have built 3 katanas, but love building fantasy swords, and if you don't mind I would like to build your sword. Fantastic work.
Nov 2 2002 ... Where's your business? These would make excellent swords. (oops sorry, dagger & sword)
Feb 9 2003 Anonymous Those are amazing I would love to learn how to do that.Do you have apprentices? I would like to see the blade though.Because in the picture allyou can see is the handle.


What's this? Well, it's kinda like an elf with the thorax (body) of a scorpion. Just a wild idea.

Comments for this picture:
Apr 17 2000 Elfwood artist: Troy L. Megli, (Click here to visit!)November 19th here, (A girl after my own heart) hehe...
Apr 17 2000 Elfwood artist: Kim Van Gampelaere, (Click here to visit!)I think Troy has a full time job on commenting here. Everywhere I go, I see his name. I must say this is a neat concept... Girlie/scorpion... Why can't I think of such kewl thingies? And a superb drawing!
Apr 18 2000 Elfwood artist: Joellena S. 'azul' Asher, (Click here to visit!)the husband sez "that ain't right" technically speaking, very impressive and superior, however as far as the concept goes...ew!
Jul 3 2000 Elfwood artist: lisa falzon, (Click here to visit!)wild idea - but great effect. all greateffects sprout from wild ideas, i guess....
Jul 16 2000 Elfwood artist: Jessie Clark (aka Eissej the Rouske), (Click here to visit!)Oh! I hope you draw mulitple more of them. They are great! Love the shading, love the idea, love the spikey elbows. *grin* OK, now I want to go research scorpions so I can come up with a culture...
Jul 29 2000 Elfwood artist: Shelley (Concha) Vasquez, (Click here to visit!)This is just wonderfully conceived and rendered. The only thing I would say is it would have been nice to see all of her!!! This is cool!
May 9 2004 kae da fae Wow! Its like the centaur thing is old, so lets think of a new animal to use instead of a horse. Dont get me wrong, i love centaurs, but this is origional and really well done.
Sep 24 2004 Elfwood artist: V. Blakeslee 'DragonessTawnya' That's a very cool idea. I would like to try my hand at drawing my version of one, but I don't think I have that much talent. You did a fantastic job on this. It's amazing.

Battle for the Sanctuary

This is another pic taken from the Chronicles. As you can see, Sor-Hahn is battling a Dark Knight of the Abode. This battle took place in the Sanctuary of Light, where Rian had first unleashed the deadly powers of the Lore of the Light.

Comments for this picture:
Oct 31 2000 Elfwood artist: Troy L. Megli, (Click here to visit!)Oh, "That's GOTTA hurt!" hehe... poor lil' dark guy... *G* Great detailing and movement!

Being a Dark Knight, he's everything BUT poor! These guys need an awful lotta cash to maintain their status!
Nov 5 2000 Elfwood artist: Joellena S. 'azul' Asher, (Click here to visit!)very cool. some dim-ish out of focus background would be icing on this one. and color...but as is very very nice.

As is, that's how this one's gonna be... perhaps another coloured version....
Nov 24 2000 Elfwood artist: Christiaan, A.Iken, (Click here to visit!)this has got to be one of your most detailed pictures and the movement is great . i really like the armour, its like samura and medieval armour, really kicks ass. well done.
Jun 17 2001 Elfwood artist: Lotem 'Storm' Dexter And that's what happens when you attack a *good guy* from behind...]
Great pic.
Jun 23 2001 Anonymous The pose is very strong except the fingers should go -under- the sword -- the thumb should lead the slashing motion. Also the square design where he gets cut could be changed. Still a B+.
Jan 9 2003 Mistress Thats is great Alang! I like the way you made the man that is on one knee look like his sword is acualy being swung around, great job i give it 5/5 stars!!!
Feb 9 2003 Anonymous you do much better waemon pictures I've personaly been dissapointed in your men after seeing you feamale subjects.

My old Elfwood artwork

Hi there! As promised, I am clearing my Elfwood page of old images to make way for upcoming new ones. This blog will now become the permanent home for these "veteran" artworks, and I will also include the original text descriptions for each image.

I've also saved the various comments that have been put down on every pic. These comments and tips have been very helpful in my effort to improve on my art. A very warm "thank you" to all those who have submitted comments and views on my works...

Nonetheless, due to certain technical errors, some of these comments were lost. However, they shall remain always, in my heart.

Please note that these images are subject to copyright laws. Please do not use the images without my prior consent and permission.